Swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB) en regstellende aksie is bedrog wat teen die armes gepleeg word, en dit geniet baie min algemene ondersteuning onder gewone mense.
Swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB) en regstellende aksie is bedrog wat teen die armes gepleeg word, en dit geniet baie min algemene ondersteuning onder gewone mense.
Cilliers Brink responds to Max du Preez's call for whites to 'behave'.
By the end of this month – less than a fortnight away – the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) plans to gazette the final version of the draft Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Regulations (the regulations) it published in mid-February 2016 for comment within 30 days.
Phumlani M. UMajozi appeals to President Zuma, says the youth are desperate for jobs.
John Kane-Berman says that what started with excrement thrown on a statue, has ended with R300m of damage to property.
The supreme irony is that Ramaphosa’s vast wealth is founded on political access to white capital eager for access to government.
John Kane-Berman says the opposition can't afford to mishandle another ANC race-campaign.
Waarom is baie Suid-Afrikaners arm en werkloos? Twee antwoorde word gewoonlik hierop gegee.
In a speech last month the deputy president, Cyril Ramaphosa, said the government was ‘obsessed with empowering black South Africans’ and was sometimes ‘fanatical’ about it. It now planned to ‘intensify’ black economic empowerment (BEE), for it was ‘hell-bent on ensuring that blacks owned and managed the economy’. Added Mr Ramaphosa: ‘Those who don’t like this idea – tough for you. That is how we are proceeding.’
John Kane-Berman on the social, attitudinal, and economic changes this country needs.
6 April 2016 – A report published by the IRR today notes that very few South Africans benefit from current empowerment polices. Since these policies have failed to benefit the poor and disadvantaged, few people support them either.
4 April 2016 – A report released by the IRR has warned that Treasury growth forecasts to 2018 may be on the high side, and that there is a considerable degree of risk that deficit and debt targets set out in the recent budget will not be achieved.
John Kane-Berman says our media should start taking the ANC's declared intentions seriously.
It is becoming popular to write the ANC off and say that it cannot reform to save itself. Examples of corruption and “state capture” dominate the headlines.
Frans Cronjé says President may well step-down shortly after the ANC's December 2017 conference.
Our considered view is that the Zuma exit is likely to be a far more orderly and less dramatic departure – staged over the next 18 months – than the sudden once off announcement some analysts anticipated for this evening.
1 April 2016 – Our considered view is that the Zuma exit is likely to be a far more orderly and less dramatic departure – staged over the next 18 months – than the sudden once off announcement some analysts anticipated for this evening.
John Kane-Berman says new and Kafkaesque BEE regulations are going to frighten off desperately needed FDI.
’n Gewilde storie in ons land is dat die koloniale bewind die begin van vele van Suid-Afrika se probleme was. Pres. Jacob Zuma het onlangs aan die raad van tradisionele leiers gesê kolonialisme “is die “bron van die armoede en ongelykheid wat die skandelike kenmerk van ons nasie geword het en ’n struikelblok vorm vir ’n toekoms van gedeelde voorspoed”.
The IRR has warned that if the Rand and oil prices remain at their current levels motorists could expect a fuel price hike of 41c/litre in April. On top of that the increase in the fuel levy announced by the finance minister in his recent budget speech could see motorists paying between 70c/litre and 80c/litre more for fuel.
23 March 2016 – The IRR has warned that if the Rand and oil prices remain at their current levels motorists could expect a fuel price hike of 41c/litre in April. On top of that the increase in the fuel levy announced by the finance minister in his recent budget speech could see motorists paying between 70c/litre and 80c/litre more for fuel.
John Kane-Berman says the current controversy should force a wider reconsideration of practices such as cadre deployment.
In a statement released by the National Treasury this week, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said: "The next few months are critical as South Africa is expected to demonstrate concrete actions to map a path for higher economic growth as it seeks to preserve its investment-grade rating."
22 March 2016 – The IRR has noted the raid on the offices of the Helen Suzman Foundation. The IRR said it had little doubt the raid was a covert operation by rogue State security forces.
At the moment, South Africa is enduring an economic crisis. Most of us do not know how we will get out of the mess we are in. Ever since President Jacob Zuma took the driving seat, things have gotten worse.
15 March 2016 – According to the South Africa Survey 2016 published by the IRR last month, some 7 468 detainees were held in South African jails in 2015 because they could not afford to raise bail.
John Kane-Berman questions the wisdom of such an intervention in a country with 8,2m unemployed.
Die ANC is in ’n oorlog gewikkel. As ’n mens die bewysstukke saamvoeg, bestaan die ANC nou uit twee breë kampe wat ons as die linker- en regtervleuel van die party beskryf. Ons bronne is nie onberispelik nie, maar ons is daarvan oortuig dat die ontleding hieronder grotendeels akkuraat is.
South Africans still see a university degree as the first prize and vocational options as second choice, at best. Although this is not a South African phenomenon, it has a distinct resonance in South Africa because of the specific aim of apartheid to educate blacks to be inferior to whites.
Sara Gon says media coverage has failed to clarify what is really happening and who is to blame