Our own writing in the media

May 15, 2018
Violence a relic from people's war to make SA ungovernable - Business Day, 20th August 2012.

Numerous types of chickens are coming home to roost in South Africa. During their long campaign to win power by making the country ungovernable via a no-holds-barred "people’s war", the ruling alliance made up of the African National Congress (ANC), the South African Communist Party and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), injected into the bloodstream of the body politic a virus of violence that they cannot now eradicate.

Vouchers for public services would put power in the hands of the people - Business Day, 11 April 2017

BEE is thus deterring direct investment and promoting capital flight. It is a key part of the reason economic growth has been negative in per capita terms for the past three years. In addition, far from empowering the disadvantaged, BEE helps only a small elite. This has once again been confirmed by a comprehensive opinion poll commissioned by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) and carried out in September 2016

Waarom dan nie wit mense laat gaan? – Rapport, 27 March 2016

’n Gewilde storie in ons land is dat die koloniale bewind die begin van vele van Suid-Afrika se probleme was. Pres. Jacob Zuma het onlangs aan die raad van tradisionele leiers gesê kolonialisme “is die “bron van die armoede en ongelykheid wat die skandelike kenmerk van ons nasie geword het en ’n struikelblok vorm vir ’n toekoms van gedeelde voorspoed”.

Water – South Africa's Challenge – Polity, 20 November 2015

A week is a long time in politics. In South Africa a day is a long time in politics, but an issue has been bubbling under and now is swirling about our ears. It is a phenomenon over which the government has no control: the worst drought in over 30 years.

We turned at the brink – now urgency in addressing obstacles is paramount - News24

16 February 2018 - At the time, the reformist view – which we likened to the experience of the verligte Afrikaners – was broadly rubbished as being outside the bounds of possibility. While the scenario we have subsequently lived through was certainly not the upside one – we continued to hold out the possibility of an ANC reformation, forced by political and economic realities, in two books published on South Africa's future, the first in 2014 and the second in 2017.

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