Our own writing in the media

May 15, 2018
Op-Ed: Ramaphosa in Davos – will he heed the lessons as Mandela did? - Daily Maverick

25 January 2018 - Given the reasons for which South Africa’s State-owned Enterprises have been much in the news of late, we should be grateful that Mandela heeded the warnings on nationalisation. The land reform experiences in Vietnam and China are particularly instructive. Both of these fed on real grievances on the part of the peasantry – but were so overpowered by ideology that their outcomes, quite predictably, exacted huge costs.

Mining could still bridge SA's unemployment gap - BizCommunity

9 January 2018 - As the year begins, there is little for South Africa's unemployed to celebrate. With an unemployment rate sitting at historic highs, and nothing in the country's current growth trajectory - riding at below 1% - millions of South Africans lack not only work, but the prospect of finding any. This lethal combination of deprivation and retarded prospects constitutes the single biggest threat to the country's future.

Our octopus state is strangling economy by refusing to let go – BizNews, 19 August 2015

ALTHOUGH the African National Congress (ANC) does not share President Jacob Zuma’s complacency about the economy, it shows little sign of the rethinking needed to reverse the country’s downward slide. With a tweak here and there, its remedy is more of what has caused many of our problems in the first place: policies aimed at radical economic transformation during the second phase of the national democratic revolution.

Panyaza Lesufi, bully - Politicsweb

28 January 2018 - Yet one of the biggest bullies on the South African educational scene is the political head of the department, Panyaza Lesufi, member of the executive council (MEC) for education in Gauteng. He also appears to have a policy of "zero tolerance" towards Afrikaans schools, including Afrikaans schools most of whose pupils are coloured rather than white.

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