Latest from the IRR

Equitable investment treaties? Protects China, chastises West – BizNews, 23 September 2015

South Africa’s bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with China gives Chinese investors all the standard protections that BITs commonly contain. Chinese investors thus have a right to fair and equitable treatment, the full market value of expropriated investments, and international arbitration to settle any disputes. They can also easily take back to China both the capital they have invested in South Africa and the profits or returns that this has generated.

Why white South Africa must not turn its back on transformation – Daily Maverick, 8 September 2015

Young whites must use every resource they have to help build South Africa into a world-beating nation. They must invest themselves in launching new businesses, building the economy, creating employment, contributing to innovation, paying tax, building new skills, and increasing exports. They must take every opportunity to create an opportunity for someone else – especially if they come from a different background.

Economic needs must trump anti-western ideology – Biznews, 3 September 2015

The ruling African National Congress (ANC) seems intent on alienating the West and adopting a rigid pro-Russia and pro-China stance. However, the Western countries it is busy targeting have long been South Africa’s most important investors, whereas investment from China and Russia has thus far been very limited.

Biting the hands that feed us

3 September 2015 – The ruling African National Congress (ANC) seems intent on alienating the West and adopting a rigid pro-Russia and pro-China stance, says the IRR (Institute of Race Relations).

Damage done – What’s the REAL reason behind Gigaba’s Visa policy? – BizNews, 27 August 2015

The South African visa spat has been well documented as has the squabble between Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom and Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba. The figures show that tourist numbers have fallen from key regions, while many jobs are said to be on the line. Not something the government needs to deal with as unemployment already sits at 1 in 4. The President has called for a review of the whole debacle but the damage may have already been done.

Our octopus state is strangling economy by refusing to let go – BizNews, 19 August 2015

ALTHOUGH the African National Congress (ANC) does not share President Jacob Zuma’s complacency about the economy, it shows little sign of the rethinking needed to reverse the country’s downward slide. With a tweak here and there, its remedy is more of what has caused many of our problems in the first place: policies aimed at radical economic transformation during the second phase of the national democratic revolution.

The road less travelled – swift action needed to prevent SA’s slide towards ‘rocky road’ economy

14 August 2015 – Dr Frans Cronje, Scenario Planner and CEO of SA Institute of Race Relations (IRR), recently spoke at the second annual Sanlam Investments and Glacier by Sanlam i3 Summit in Johannesburg. He spoke of the high and low road scenarios for South Africa and what South Africa urgently needs to address to change our economic outlook. Please find the press release published by Sanlam Investments here.

Draft BEE regulations must be rejected – pushing SA over a fiscal cliff – BizNews, 22 July 2015

Under draft regulations published last week, the National Treasury is proposing that government tenders up to R10m will in future be evaluated only 50% on price, while the preferential weighting for black economic empowerment (BEE) will also count 50%. This increased BEE weighting will encourage still more inflated prices from BEE “tenderpreneurs” – and yet more firmly subordinate the interests of the poor to the interests of a small elite.

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