FAN Media

Explainer: BEE = Blatant Elite Enrichment
Jun 07, 2021

While we can all agree that black South Africans, after decades of being locked out of the economy, deserve to be economically empowered through proper jobs, we must ask: has Black Economic Empowerment achieved this?

Explainer: Racism is NOT the problem
May 31, 2021

Between the noise and the anger stoked by political parties and vested interests, it’s difficult to hear the truth about race, racism, and race relations in South Africa.  The truth is that racism is not the problem.

Welcome to Burning Questions
May 31, 2021

Burning Questions is a 15-minute podcast where we answer topical questions from the FAN community around issues of freedom and the battle of ideas. The show airs every Wednesday at 18h00.

What is the National Democratic Revolution?
Anthea Jeffery
May 31, 2021

The National Democratic Revolution (NDR) is the key to understanding developments in the country since 1994 – yet most South Africans know little about it. This is partly because the NDR has so many diverse strands that it is difficult to connect the dots. More telling still is the general media silence about the NDR and the reluctance of most commentators to acknowledge its importance.

What is the budget deficit and why does it matter?
John Endres
May 31, 2021

A friend of mine used to say that talking about public finances gave him MEGO – “My Eyes Glaze Over”. But in reality many of the basic ideas underlying public finance are quite simple, and even interesting. Understanding these concepts is valuable because they tell you how well your country is doing and what might happen next.

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If you want to see a free, non-racial, and prosperous South Africa, we’re on your side.

If you believe that our country can overcome its challenges with the right policies and decisions, we’re on your side.

Join our growing movement of like-minded, freedom-loving South Africans today and help us make a real difference.

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