Explainer: Racism is NOT the problem

Between the noise and the anger stoked by political parties and vested interests, it’s difficult to hear the truth about race, racism, and race relations in South Africa.  The truth is that racism is not the problem.
Explainer: Racism is NOT the problem

“Race and racism are South Africa’s biggest challenges. Racism is the number one priority for South Africans.” We’ve all heard this – from politicians and the news media. Recent polling however paints a different picture, exposing how those in power use race and racism to divert attention away from their own disastrous failures.

It’s time to call out the lies.


“Race and racism are South Africa’s biggest challenges.” 
“Racism is the number one priority for South Africans.” 
We’ve all heard this – from politicians and the news media.
What if I told you, these are all LIES?  
Between the noise and the anger stoked by political parties and vested interests, it’s difficult to hear the truth about race relations in South Africa. 
Recent polling investigated the priorities of ordinary South Africans, looking at what people actually want government to focus on: 
53% say unemployment and creating jobs; 22% say crime, safety, and security; 18% say fighting corruption. 
Only 3.3% of people say a focus on racism and discrimination should be the country’s top priority. 
More than 70% of South Africans believe that South Africa’s different races need each other to make South Africa a better country. 
It was the American economist Thomas Sowell, himself someone who suffered under racial discrimination against black Americans, who said: “Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as "racists."” 
Those in power use race and racism to divert attention away from their disastrous failures on jobs, crime, and corruption.
It’s time to call out the lies.


Illustration Sources available here.

Making our case in the media
Explainer: Racism is NOT the problem

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