If there is one lesson to take away from Apartheid in South Africa, it is that you are an individual, not just a race or a skin colour. However, the racist thinking of Apartheid is rearing its ugly head today and it's got a new name - Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Freedom mattered to Nelson Mandela and it must matter to us if we want to build a truly new South Africa.
In this #FANVideoEssay, Hermann takes a brief look at the past and the present, and spares a glance at the future. Is South Africa ready for life after the ANC?
Join Hermann and Ben of the FAN Justice team as they take a look at PEPUDA, a piece of legislation that is supposed to promote equality, but now seems to be subject to dangerous changes. How can a flawed process of making a law affect the law later on? Is freedom made stronger or weaker by government prescribing the behaviour of citizens?
In today's episode of #BurningQuestions, Hermann and Mbali is joined by Nick Lorimer, researcher and analyst for the IRR and also a member of the FAN team. The burning question: does government control help to solve problems? Or is there a different way to make life better?
This week the FAN team discusses policy alternatives that will reduce unemployment in SA.