Explainer: Critical Race Theory - The New Apartheid Thinking

If there is one lesson to take away from Apartheid in South Africa, it is that you are an individual, not just a race or a skin colour. However, the racist thinking of Apartheid is rearing its ugly head today and it's got a new name - Critical Race Theory (CRT).
Explainer: Critical Race Theory - The New Apartheid Thinking

 If there is one lesson to take away from Apartheid in South Africa, it is that you are an individual, not just a race or a skin colour.

However, the racist thinking of Apartheid is rearing its ugly head today and it's got a new name - Critical Race Theory (CRT).

CRT, is the idea that all white people are villains and all black people are victims who can’t succeed through their own skills and efforts.

This is racist and must stop! It’s time to say ‘‘NO‘ to this new apartheid thinking.





You are an individual, not just a race or a skin colour.

The apartheid government did not believe this to be true. Sadly, the South African government of today also thinks you are just a race or a skin colour.

Race was what defined you in apartheid South Africa – not your beliefs, faith, values, ideas or ambitions. Just race. If you had the right skin colour, you had opportunities to get a good education, get a job, and build a comfortable life. Not so much if you had the wrong skin colour.

In South Africa today most people are not obsessed with race. However, the sad truth is that, like the proponents of apartheid, many of today’s politicians are obsessed with the colour of your skin rather than the quality of your life.

This sort of racism has recently become even more aggressive across the world due to something called Critical Race Theory – CRT.

CRT teaches

· That your skin colour is the most important part of your identity,

· That all white people are oppressors, and

· That all black people are victims.

In South Africa, more and more laws, regulations, policies, and decisions are showing how many powerful politicians support these untrue and dangerous core beliefs of CRT.

Examples of laws and policies becoming increasingly based on CRT are BEE, government decisions to only help some businesses during the Covid-19 crisis based on race, sporting quotas, and people chosen to be our judges. T

hese racist CRT policies hold that all white people are villains and that all black people are victims who can’t succeed through their own skills and efforts.

This is racist and must stop!

CRT, the belief that your skin colour makes you either bad or weak, must not be allowed to divide South Africans who want to build a non-racial, free country.

It’s time to say ‘‘NO‘ to this new apartheid thinking.



Illustration sources available here.


Making our case in the media
Explainer: Critical Race Theory - The New Apartheid Thinking

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