Explainer Videos

Explainer: This is how we fix South Africa's education system
Nov 08, 2021

Of the billions allocated to educating South Africa's children, very little is actually spent on their education. Don't you think it would be far, far better to put the billions spent on education in the hands of parents to choose the best education for their children?

Explainer: How Municipal Elections Work
Aug 16, 2021

Your municipal vote is one of the most important that you will cast. The way votes determine your local council is complicated, so we've broken it down step by step just for you.

Explainer: Freedom of Speech - Use it or Lose it
Jul 19, 2021

If you want to live in a free country where you can think, write, sing, pray, and speak freely, you must stand up for freedom of speech, even when it becomes difficult or uncomfortable.

Explainer: Where do jobs come from?
Jul 12, 2021

South Africa has an unemployment crisis mainly because too many people in power do not know how jobs are created. So, where do jobs come from?

Explainer: PEPUDA - Breaking Freedom to achieve broken outcomes
Jul 05, 2021

PEPUDA, the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, was adopted two decades ago to help bar unfair discrimination. Now it is being changed - giving the government enormous powers in its pursuit of the equality of outcomes that just cannot be attained.This will simply bankrupt many businesses, rather than increase the growth and jobs that people need to get ahead.

Explainer: Stop Racial Indoctrination in Schools
Jun 28, 2021

It is immoral for a school to force a particular set of values on children behind their parent's backs. But teachers indoctrinating students with Critical Race Theory divides children by race and teachers them that being offended is virtuous.

Explainer: Critical Race Theory - The New Apartheid Thinking
Jun 21, 2021

If there is one lesson to take away from Apartheid in South Africa, it is that you are an individual, not just a race or a skin colour. However, the racist thinking of Apartheid is rearing its ugly head today and it's got a new name - Critical Race Theory (CRT).

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