New initiative to tackle ‘race hustlers’, and the myth that racism is a major problem in SA

Jun 14, 2021
14 June 2021 - A new initiative has been launched to expose the myth that racism is a major problem in South Africa, and to counter race hustlers, politicians and private actors who exploit and profit from exaggerated claims about racism.
New initiative to tackle ‘race hustlers’, and the myth that racism is a major problem in SA

A new initiative has been launched to expose the myth that racism is a major problem in South Africa, and to counter race hustlers, politicians and private actors who exploit and profit from exaggerated claims about racism.
The Racism Is Not the Problem initiative will be announcing a list of individuals who do more harm than good to race relations through their unsubstantiated insistence that racism is the biggest problem South Africa is facing.
The initiative will expose how these race hustlers use fake allegations of racism as a distraction from the major problems confronting the country, or to make a quick buck.
The initiative is based on survey data ( showing that, while South Africans do not regard racism as a major problem, and very few experience racism in their daily lives, politicians and race hustlers inflate the issue of racism for their own benefit.
The survey clearly shows that racism is not a major problem in South Africa
The data shows
• only 3.3% of South Africans regard racism as one of the biggest problems facing the country and,
• only 16% say they have experienced racism in the last five years.
Gabriel Crouse, Head of Campaigns and a Senior Analyst at the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), said his analysis of the results of the study was very encouraging and showed that claims of extensive racial prejudice and hate among South Africans were a myth.
Continued Crouse: “A majority of South Africans agree that racism allegations are an excuse used by politicians to cover up their failures. Everywhere-racism is pushed as a kind of opioid for the masses to dull people from confronting the real problems, but most people have already kicked the habit.”
“Still, fake allegations of racism are a profitable business, especially in the upper echelons. All manner of race hustler businesses and consultancies are springing up that inflate and exaggerate the extent of racism in schools, communities, and businesses in order to win contracts and tenders to address the allegedly ubiquitous crisis.”
For more information on the new initiative, go to:

Media contacts: Gabriel Crouse, IRR Head of Campaigns – 082 510 0360; 
Duwayne Esau, IRR Campaign Officer – 081 700 0302; 
Media enquiries: Michael Morris Tel: 066 302 1968 Email: 
Kelebogile Leepile Tel: 079 051 0073 Email:

New initiative to tackle ‘race hustlers’, and the myth that racism is a major problem in SA

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