John Kane-Berman says Mmusi Maimane appears unsure as to whether the ANC or the NP is to blame for our major ills.
John Kane-Berman says Mmusi Maimane appears unsure as to whether the ANC or the NP is to blame for our major ills.
Wat is die grootste bedreiging wat Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar?
John Kane-Berman says the health minister's NHI white paper has little grasp of reality.
The government claims that its proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) system will reduce the costs of health care and provide all South Africans with ‘quality’ health services that are free at the point of delivery.
08 June 2016 – The IRR has warned that the South African economy could easily find itself in recession if policy reforms were not urgently implemented.
08 June 2016 – The IRR said that a number of factors made South Africa vulnerable to terror attacks.
07 June 2016 – The IRR has launched a new comfort and deprivation index that can be used to track and compare the relative standards of living within local authorities in South Africa.
John Kane-Berman says govt's racial laws are pushing minorities into starting up their own businesses.
You don’t have to be a tech geek to be aware of the chaos that cybercriminals are wreaking in this country. There are numerous local examples — from the recent spate of WhatsApp scams to the R42m stolen from the Postbank in 2012.
THE Institute of Race Relations (IRR) has presented a new national economic recovery and growth strategy to political and government leaders.
John Kane-Berman says the ANC govt is no fan of individual ownership by either white or black South Africans.
Phumlani M UMajozi pays tribute to the outgoing UFS VC and Rector.
Frans Cronjé says the ANC govt must change its trajectory, if it is not to lose its democratic mandate.
27 May 2016 – The IRR (Institute of Race Relations) has today petitioned President Jacob Zuma not to give his assent to the Expropriation Bill of 2015 (the Bill), but rather to refer it back to the National Assembly for reconsideration.
27 May 2016 - The IRR has drafted a new economic recovery plan for South Africa called the National Growth Strategy or NGS. The NGS is an economic recovery plan that has been drafted by the policy team at the IRR to be implemented over the period 2016 to 2019 as the basis of a long term economic recovery targeting GDP growth levels of 7% of GDP by the end of the decade.
26 May 2016 – Neither land nor farming should be romanticised. Entrepreneurship is critical to turning an inert and often barren, dry, and rocky piece of land into a productive farm. But land itself is only the starting point: without all the other inputs – from finance for seeds and fertiliser and implements, to water rights, access to markets, and know-how – no farmer will produce very much.
John Kane-Berman says we are increasingly witnessing govt that is both bullying and weak.
24 May 2016 – Miraculously, despite the Land Acts, South Africa is in the fortunate position that demand for farm land can probably be met without the disruptions, risks, and costs of radical redistribution.
John Kane-Berman says the ANC needs to reflect over whether it is making the same mistake with Zuma, that it did with Mbeki.
16 May 2016 – The IRR has released a comparative social and economic report of South Africa’s nine provinces.
John Kane-Berman says the struggle against bargaining councils will continue, despite the FMF's high court loss.
Apartheid is besig om van anderkant die graf af terug te keer en kan nog daarin slaag om sy oorspronklike doel te verwesenlik.
Labour minister Mildred Oliphant is itching to have companies fined R1.5m or 2% of turnover (whichever is the higher amount) for allegedly failing to meet their racial quotas under the amended Employment Equity Act (the EE Act) of 1998.
The media doesn't have to endorse anybody but the media is singularly the most crucial source of information running up to an election. But we're not getting it.
Events of the past two weeks have not been good for SA’s prospects of staging an economic recovery. Key Cabinet ministers put on display the worst aspects of an ideologically obstinate government acting very much against the best interests of the country.
Cannabis, along with tik, the local version of crystal methamphetamine, is one of the two drugs produced in large quantities in SA, and also the most widely used illicit drug in the country.
John Kane-Berman asks whether cabinet worry over the effects of the Gupta bank ban is the turnaround we've been waiting for.
Unprotected strikes allow management to dismiss strikers. The time has long been reached where Pikitup should have dismissed the strikers.
Sara Gon says minister's obsession with racial proportionality, above all else, has a Goebbels-esque whiff about it.
John Kane-Berman says the govt does not seem to particularly care about the problem of youth unemployment