FAN Media

Communities Take Back Control | Freedom FANatics Ep. 32
Feb 08, 2022

Communities across the country are being let down by a government that doesn't care about them. We look at an incident that highlights this in Reiger Park and discuss how crumbling community service delivery is linked to bad government policy. In #BurningQuestions with Mbali we venture into the ever-controversial topic "the land"!

Can education change the world? Burning Questions Ep. 31
Feb 06, 2022

Is education important? In this episode of #BurningQuestions the FAN team discusses the quote of the week by Nelson Mandela which says: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Three constitutional values that clash with SA government policies
Tiego Thotse & Lethubuhle Dube
Jan 29, 2022

While the purpose of a policy stance like BEE – to correct historical injustices – may be reasonable, it remains that such a policy position undermines the Rule of Law – a basic component of any well-functioning democracy.

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