FAN Media

FREEDOM is worth fighting for! 2022, here we come! Taking The Stand Ep. 24
Nov 25, 2021

n this episode of #TakingTheStand, the last one for 2021, Hermann takes a look back at the last few months of the year and the first few months of FAN's existence. There are many reasons to be hopeful about South Africa, but things need to change. And ordinary people like you need to start getting that change going. For too long, politics has been for the politicians. If we go on like this, we're looking at a bleak future where freedom is extinct. But it doesn't have to be this way. The people of South Africa can and must save South Africa. It starts in the small things - WhatsApp messages and emails. Elections are won by those who show up. Countries are saved by those who care enough to get involved. Your FREEDOM is worth fighting for.

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