
Jul 23, 2014
@Liberty - South Africa: A 12-point plan for prosperity

The National Development Plan (NDP) is the latest in a series of government plans to accelerate growth and increase employment. However, like its predecessors, the NDP fails to make the policy shifts essential to increased investment, growth, and jobs.

@Liberty - “Pearls before swine, Johnnyboy’’

The first issue of @Liberty, published on 13th February 2014, carried the Institute’s twelve-point plan for a better South Africa. Reaction to a version put up on PoliticsWeb has been mixed. One person said the author of the plan, John Kane-Berman, was casting “pearls before swine, Johnnyboy”.

A new approach to empowerment in mining

The new charter identifies its ownership, skills development, and community upliftment elements as ‘ring-fenced’ elements with which mining companies must demonstrate ‘100% compliance at all times’. These targets apply ‘throughout the duration of a mining right’, which is generally 30 years.

A new approach to empowerment in mining

06 September 2017 - The new charter identifies its ownership, skills development, and community upliftment elements as ‘ring-fenced’ elements with which mining companies must demonstrate ‘100% compliance at all times’. These targets apply ‘throughout the duration of a mining right’, which is generally 30 years.

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