FAN Media

Explainer: PEPUDA - Breaking Freedom to achieve broken outcomes
Jul 05, 2021

PEPUDA, the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, was adopted two decades ago to help bar unfair discrimination. Now it is being changed - giving the government enormous powers in its pursuit of the equality of outcomes that just cannot be attained.This will simply bankrupt many businesses, rather than increase the growth and jobs that people need to get ahead.

3 critical race-hustling LIES told about the Constitution
Martin Van Staden
Jul 04, 2021

The Constitution is formally the highest law of the land, and how one interprets it is usually determinative of how it plays out in practice, regardless of what the text obviously says. Critical race hustlers understand this better than any other political faction in South Africa, and have expended much time, money, and effort on dishonestly racialising the Constitution through (interpretive) construction. We must recognise these lies for what they are.

4 times the ANC admitted that BEE is failing South Africa
Tariq Khan
Jul 03, 2021

BEE supposedly stands for ‘Black Economic Empowerment’, but South Africans aren’t fools and know that it actually stands for ‘Blatant Elite Enrichment’. But don’t take our word for it! Let’s look instances where important ANC cadres have admitted that ‘Blatant Elite Enrichment’ has failed.

Can we TRUST credit rating agencies?
Jun 30, 2021

"Downgraded to Junk status!", "SA's credit rating moves to BB-" - we hear these phrases in news cycles but what do they actually mean? What are credit rating agencies and can we trust them?

4 solutions to FIX SA now
Jun 29, 2021

In this episode of #FreedomFANatics Sholan, Alex and Hermann look at FAN's latest explainer video on how racial brainwashing is becoming a problem in schools, and four simple ideas for making an immediate difference in the lives of South Africans.

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