FAN Media

Communism: Where freedom goes to die (Part 1)
Tariq Khan
Sep 12, 2021

Premised on central control of the economy, the political ideology of Communism is the antithesis of freedom. The case study of North Korea is a clear example of this.

Six good reasons to fight National Health Insurance
Tariq Khan
Sep 11, 2021

National Health Insurance (NHI) will reduce everyone’s freedom and sharply curtail their healthcare choices. Here are six reasons for rejecting a measure that would destroy our health system and our freedom to make our own healthcare decisions.

The Rule of Law (final part) |Taking The Stand Ep. 15
Sep 09, 2021

In this episode of #TakingTheStand, the final episode of the team looking at the rule of law, Hermann and Sara assess whether the rule of law, justice, and freedom in South Africa are still worth fighting for. SPOILER: it totally is.

How much TAX do South Africans PAY? | Burning Questions Ep. 15
Sep 08, 2021

In this episode of #BurningQuestions Mbali is joined by Gabriel Crouse who is the Head of Campaigns at the Institute of Race Relations about the extent of the tax burden South Africans face and how taxpayers can hold the government accountable.

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