South Africa - more united than you think

Despite what some politicians, activist-journalists, radio talk show hosts, and others would have you believe, racism is not South Africa’s biggest problem. IRR research shows that the great majority of South Africans respect one another and want to work together to build a better country. But this is only possible if the moderate middle of South Africans stand united. Our research shows that 80% of South Africans share the same dreams, hopes, and expectations and are deeply invested in their fellow citizens' success. If you are one among that moderate majority then endorse our Unite the Middle campaign to help us stop race-based policy and race-baiting politicians and activists in order to emphasise the common ground that unites all South Africans and put our country firmly on the path to prosperity.

Campaigns | South Africa - more united than you think


The campaign has three components:

The first is to take a stand with us against race-based policies and race-baiting and racial nationalist incitement by endorsing our Unite the Middle Pledge. More than 160 000 people endorsed our Stop EWC campaign, allowing us to place great pressure on the government not to start seizing farms, pension funds, and other assets without compensation.

The second is to recommend to us any organisation or individual that you think would also like to take a stand so that we can unite them in a broad common front.

The third is to report any firm or organisation to us that discriminates on the basis of race and we will follow up with them to educate them about the Unite the Middle campaign and why they should abandon race-based policies and endorse the Unite the Middle Pledge. In serious cases of racist abuse we will take further action on your behalf.    

Unite the Middle - The Pledge

  1. Any system of legislated racial or ethnic discrimination should be opposed;
  2. Policies that discriminate along lines of race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity have no place in a free and open society;
  3. Race, gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity do not determine your social and economic status or your political opinions or commitment to South Africa’s success;
  4. People and organisations that seek to drive racial divisions should be called out and called to account for the damage they are doing to South Africa’s social fabric;
  5. It is good and right to help disadvantaged people, particularly given the history of our country, but empowerment policies must be based on actual established socio-economic disadvantage and not on the race of their beneficiaries;
  6. Real empowerment can only occur in a high-growth economy that creates jobs and respects property rights while allowing individuals greater control of the schools, police stations, and hospitals in their community; 
  7. I stand with the moderate majority of South Africans who want to work together to build a prosperous country for all who live in it.

Support the IRR

If you want to see a free, non-racial, and prosperous South Africa, we’re on your side.

If you believe that our country can overcome its challenges with the right policies and decisions, we’re on your side.

Join our growing movement of like-minded, freedom-loving South Africans today and help us make a real difference.

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