Stop the Expropriation Bill

After his party failed to change the constitution, President Ramaphosa wants parliament to pass the Expropriation Bill, which would allow the government to take your property without compensation.

Campaigns | Stop the Expropriation Bill

At the ANC Policy Conference in July 2022, President Ramaphosa brought back Expropriation Without Compensation (EWC) with a vengeance. EWC will be achieved through the Expropriation Bill. The National Assembly adopted this Bill in September 2022. Next it will be processed by the National Council of Provinces. If this Bill becomes law it will allow government officials (e.g. municipal officials) to take private property for zero compensation.

No South African will be safe from this Bill. Once the principle of private property is lost, the expropriation of other assets is just a matter of time. This means that first your house and later your savings, your car anything you own can be targeted by a corrupt government official. Read more...

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