Stop NHI!

Endorse the IRR’s Proposal to the National Council of Provinces to solve South Africa’s healthcare crisis.

Campaigns | Stop NHI!


NHI will destroy the South African healthcare system.

Through the NHI, the government wants to expropriate your medical aid fund and nationalise private hospitals.

Help the IRR fight for you by supporting our alternative.

The IRR's Proposal

The IRR proposes that private healthcare services should be left alone.

The government should rather focus on fixing public hospitals, stopping corruption in the public healthcare system, stopping cadre deployment at hospitals, and making it easier for people on lower incomes to join medical schemes.

The NHI Bill has been passed by the National Assembly but is now before the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), where the IRR will continue to fight the destruction of SA’s healthcare system. If you want your voice heard by the NCOP, then fill in the form below  to support the IRR's proposal to save SA healthcare. By completing this form, the IRR will make a submission to the NCOP on your behalf and help you be heard.

Learn more by reading our detailed analysis and proposal.


Support the IRR

If you want to see a free, non-racial, and prosperous South Africa, we’re on your side.

If you believe that our country can overcome its challenges with the right policies and decisions, we’re on your side.

Join our growing movement of like-minded, freedom-loving South Africans today and help us make a real difference.

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