Stop corrupt BEE community capture!

Your community does not belong to the government, but to you. Together, we can stop BEE failures costing South Africa's communities.

Campaigns | Stop corrupt BEE community capture!

The Minister of Human Settlements, Mmamoloko Kubayi, has announced her plan to force the ANC's failed race-based policies onto your community through new and aggressive BEE policies for community schemes like sectional title complexes, homeowners’ associations, retirement housing schemes, share block companies, and housing co-operatives.

You have the power to stop this if you join our fight against community capture. Add your voice to the IRR’s petition against failed and corrupt BEE policies being forced onto South Africa's communities. We will take this fight all the way to the highest levels to protect you from government interference and racist policies like BEE for community schemes.

Communities are more than just buildings - they're a big part of what many South Africans work hard for. For most people, the cost of a home is the most important and biggest thing we spend our money on every month.

Minister Kubayi's scheme to force onto communities more failed and corrupt BEE policies is not only against the law, but will make life in South Africa even more expensive. More BEE means more blatant elite enrichment - more opportunities for cadres, cronies, comrades, and crooks to take pick the pockets of hardworking South Africans like you.

BEE has failed. Unemployment today is worse than twenty years ago when BEE was introduced. Let's keep failed BEE, corruption-fuelling policies out of our communities and homes.

Support the IRR

If you want to see a free, non-racial, and prosperous South Africa, we’re on your side.

If you believe that our country can overcome its challenges with the right policies and decisions, we’re on your side.

Join our growing movement of like-minded, freedom-loving South Africans today and help us make a real difference.

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