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Campaigns | #StopCitizenAbuse
South Africans have never been more highly taxed than they are today, with many families paying more than half of their income to the state.
Click here to see the Memorandum delivered to the Presidency.
Taxes are crippling South African businesses and families even as much of what is paid gets stolen through corruption. Major new tax increases are also on the way, with the biggest of these being EWC that will tax your business, income, and assets at 100%.
But you are not as powerless to stand up against the abuse as it can sometimes feel.
Almost 20 000 people have joined the Friends of the IRR to stop the abuse and turn our country around. You too can take a stand. Join the resistance to and #StopCitizenAbuse by becoming a Friend of the IRR.
Support the IRR
If you want to see a free, non-racial, and prosperous South Africa, we’re on your side.
If you believe that our country can overcome its challenges with the right policies and decisions, we’re on your side.
Join our growing movement of like-minded, freedom-loving South Africans today and help us make a real difference.