Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance National Assembly, regarding the Public Procurement Bill of 2023 [B18-2023] Johannesburg, 11th September 2023

Sep 11, 2023
Sept 11, 2023 – In this submission to the Parliament’s Standing Committee on Finance on the Public Procurement Bill of 2023, the IRR argues that, rather than focusing on race, emphasizing ‘value-for-money’ as the overarching national priority will protect the poor black majority from the fraud, inflated pricing, and defective delivery that have long plagued so much of state procurement.
Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance National Assembly, regarding the  Public Procurement Bill of 2023 [B18-2023]  Johannesburg, 11th September 2023
Making our case in the media
Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance National Assembly, regarding the  Public Procurement Bill of 2023 [B18-2023]  Johannesburg, 11th September 2023

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