The Day After the Night Before: Governance implications of a gridlocked Parliament

May 23, 2024
Election Day is rushing nearer and silly season has begun. And while what happens on 29 May is of vital importance, it is what comes after that is of even greater significance. If the ANC wins more than 50% of the vote, then expect business as usual. However, what if the ANC falls under 50% at a national level? What can we expect, especially if coalitions are unstable or even non-existent? This paper presents a number of possible post-29 May scenarios, especially if the ANC loses its parliamentary majority. It assesses whether the legislature could become gridlocked with governance effectively stalled, what this would look like, and what it would mean for South Africa.
The Day After the Night Before: Governance implications of a gridlocked Parliament
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The Day After the Night Before: Governance implications of a gridlocked Parliament

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