Letter: SA slow off the mark - The Star

Jan 07, 2021
7 January 2021 - THE Institute of Race Relations will be approaching the minister of health, all MECs for health, and the heads of major hospital and health insurers to learn what vaccine-related supplies have been procured, from which providers, how these will be distributed, and when such distribution will begin.

THE Institute of Race Relations will be approaching the minister of health, all MECs for health, and the heads of major hospital and health insurers to learn what vaccine-related supplies have been procured, from which providers, how these will be distributed, and when such distribution will begin.

We have obtained legal advice on compelling action in this regard would it become necessary.

South Africans need to know what has been procured and when it will be available. South Africa is being left behind as advanced and emerging economies alike begin to vaccinate their populations.

By our calculations, South Africa, including with support from its private sector, could easily and rapidly finance vaccine procurement.

The IRR will apply its resources to making this happen as fast as possible.

Dr Frans Cronje, Chief executive, Institute of Race Relations

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