Letter: Nonprofits smeared - Businesslive

Jan 15, 2019
15 January 2019 - By Loxton’s reasoning, the malfeasance at Steinhoff and KPMG means that the entire SA corporate and professional sector, including his own law firm, is part of the culture of corruption.

David Loxton’s disgraceful article (Corruption threatens Africa’s nonprofit and charity sector, January 14) cannot go unanswered.

Signing himself as the CEO of Loxton Attorneys, he speaks of the “prevalence of corruption” among non-profit organisations (NPOs) in SA. He cites but one example, a “high-profile children’s charity”, where none of the equipment received from various donors actually made it to the charity’s premises.

SA has more than 150,000 registered NPOs, yet on the basis of this single example, Loxton launches a generalised smear against the lot. He wonders how long it will be before corporate SA is put off by the “culture of corruption” among NPOs.

By Loxton’s reasoning, the malfeasance at Steinhoff and KPMG means that the entire SA corporate and professional sector, including his own law firm, is part of the culture of corruption.     

John Kane-Berman
Policy Fellow, Institute of Race Relations


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