Letter: At the heart of climate change - Businesslive

Oct 22, 2019
22 October 2019 - How is it cardiologists are entitled to have differing views, but that there is only one acceptable view on climate change?

I read Marika Sboros’s article about the debate on the causes of heart disease with great interest (Opinions inflamed over the cause of heart disease, October 21).

She wrote that conversations in the medical profession about the causes of heart disease and how best to treat it had recently “changed radically”. There was now “a new theory”, while division among cardiologists was said to “run deep”. The differing views among cardiologists were thus fairly reported in a balanced article.

Yet when some scientists or journalists question the prevailing orthodoxy about “climate change” they are branded as Holocaust “deniers”, lumped together with Thabo Mbeki and his views on Aids, or even accused of supporting “crimes” against the environment.           

How is it cardiologists are entitled to have differing views, but that there is only one acceptable view on climate change?

John Kane-Berman, Institute of Race Relations


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