IRR plan to #SaveRuralSA: Why does rural SA need secure property rights?

Sep 16, 2020
16 September 2020 - Today, IRR deputy head of policy research Hermann Pretorius will be hosting an online Friends of the IRR Briefing with the IRR’s project manager, Terence Corrigan, to discuss the vital importance of property rights in rural SA.
IRR plan to #SaveRuralSA: Why does rural SA need secure property rights?

The IRR will this week launch Land, Lives & Liberty: A five-point plan to save rural SA, a policy document presenting a simple set of solutions to make sure South Africans living in rural areas can thrive and fulfil their ambitions to #LiveFree in a peaceful and prosperous country.
The IRR is hosting the second of three online briefings on the topic at 1pm today.
Without property rights, no community can build or prosper. Yet, property rights have come increasingly under threat – especially in rural areas. Expropriation without compensation, land grabs, the inability to gain title deeds and rightfully own property – all these have contributed to the socio-economic instability that makes life in rural SA much harder than it needs to be.
Today, IRR deputy head of policy research Hermann Pretorius will be hosting an online Friends of the IRR Briefing with the IRR’s project manager, Terence Corrigan, to discuss the vital importance of property rights in rural SA.
Time: 13h00
Date: Today/16 September

Media contact: Hermann Pretorius, IRR Deputy Head of Policy Research – 079 875 4290; 
Media enquiries: Michael Morris Tel: 066 302 1968 Email:
Kelebogile Leepile Tel: 079 051 0073 Email:

IRR plan to #SaveRuralSA: Why does rural SA need secure property rights?

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