Arming SA’s pro-growth forces: invitation to online briefing

Jan 24, 2025
Placing economic growth front and centre of public policy is the most effective way to improve the lives of all South Africans. This is main focus of the first 2025 report in the IRR's Blueprint for Growth policy-solution series, Blueprint for Growth: Arming SA's pro-growth forces.
Arming SA’s pro-growth forces: invitation to online briefing

Event details

Date: Tuesday, 28 January

Time: 10h00


John Endres, IRR CEO

Hermann Pretorius, IRR Head of Strategic Communications

Placing economic growth front and centre of public policy is the most effective way to improve the lives of all South Africans. This is main focus of the first 2025 report in the IRR's Blueprint for Growth policy-solution series, Blueprint for Growth: Arming SA's pro-growth forces.

The paper explores why the South African economy has failed to grow and what measures are needed to trigger rapid growth.

In Tuesday’s webinar, IRR head of strategic communication Hermann Pretorius will discuss the key themes of the paper with its author, IRR CEO Dr John Endres.

Says Endres: "In the second half of 2024, a distinct shift in the public mood became apparent. Polling revealed broad support for the GNU, and business and consumer sentiment improved. But this is threatening to fizzle out. As things stand currently, at the beginning of 2025, there is little sign of a determined push for pro-growth reforms. Growth will remain low, unemployment will continue rising, and South Africans will continue to be deprived of the opportunity to create a better life for themselves and their families. Changing this requires the government to adopt a single-minded focus on achieving much higher growth rates, without which the many ills plaguing the country cannot be ameliorated.

“Fortunately, there is a formula for rapid growth. The core elements in the growth formula are well known and backed up by decades of research covering countries right across the globe. This paper sets out the formula for bringing about this change."

Media contact: Hermann Pretorius IRR Head of Strategic Communications Tel: 079 875 4290 Email:

Media enquiries: Michael Morris Tel: 066 302 1968 Email:



Arming SA’s pro-growth forces: invitation to online briefing

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