Experiencing water problems? Tell us about it!

Experiencing water problems? Tell us about it!

South Africa could soon run out of water. If this happens it will be an economic and humanitarian disaster.

And while South Africa is a water-scarce country, the reason why we are running out of water is because of poor maintenance of infrastructure, not because of anything you have done wrong.

But what can I do?

Help us fix the problem by downloading our app and submitting your water-related issue.

What will this accomplish?

We will:

  • Report your issue to your municipality.
  • Use your submission to help us build a dossier of how our water infrastructure is falling apart, and build a case against failing municipalities.

How do I download the app?

  1. Click here.
  2. If you're on your phone or tablet, you can add the app to your home screen by following the prompt on the screen. You can also use it directly in the browser on your phone, tablet, or computer.
  3. Sign in and submit your issue.
Making our case in the media
Experiencing water problems? Tell us about it!

Support the IRR

If you want to see a free, non-racial, and prosperous South Africa, we’re on your side.

If you believe that our country can overcome its challenges with the right policies and decisions, we’re on your side.

Join our growing movement of like-minded, freedom-loving South Africans today and help us make a real difference.

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